Dallas-Fort Worth LIC 6672, LIC 27412
After doing hundreds of irrigation repairs across the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex, one question every customer asks is “How much is it going to cost?”. That question was always hard to answer, and we were quickly estimating the cost of parts, labor, and anything else that might be used for the particular job.
The problem with doing a quick estimation in your head is, it creates unforeseen errors and confusion. From the contractor side, we might not be making the appropriate amount of money for the job. Or worse, losing money. This also demonstrates to your client that your business may not be organized, is unprofessional, or may be cutting corners along the way. On the customer side, not knowing a specific cost is unsettling. Customers worry if they’re paying too much, or if the job is going to end up being too expensive for their budget. With a combination of the topics mentioned above, the customer may end up trying a new contractor the next time they have a sprinkler repair.
So how do we fix the age old question of “How much is it going to cost?”. It’s simple. Create a fixed rate pricing model that allows customers to see exactly how much each repair is going to cost. So, how does this work?
As a contractor, you need to make a list of every type of repair that can happen at a customer's house. And for each repair, you need to mark down which parts are required, how much each part cost, estimated labor for the repair, and how much profit you are going to charge for the repair. This will allow you to create a fixed rate price that you can charge your customer. Using this strategy shows your customer that this is a fair market rate for the repair, your company is organized and structured, and there is professionalism throughout the entire process.
Besides creating a fixed rate price, creating a sales process is important. You need to know what needs to be fixed before you can give a price. Start off by doing a complimentary irrigation inspection. This allows you to fully understand their irrigation system, and mark down any areas that need to be repaired or replaced.
Once you have finished your irrigation inspection, you can present your findings to the client. For each repair that is noted, you can show them what needs repairing, how much it will cost, and why it is important to fix. This allows the customer to now pick and choose which items they would like completed, and know how much it will cost.
Getting payment from customers is never easy. However, with a fixed rate price, the customer already approved which work they would like completed, and they know how much it is going to cost. This makes walking up to the door to get payment a lot more enjoyable, for both yourself and the client.
Having a fixed rate price creates a smoother and more professional process for the client, making you look more professional and organized.
For customers, using a contractor with a transparent sales process is important. You know you’re getting a fair price, quality work, and great consistent service. Fixed rate pricing allows customers to pick and choose which work they want completed, and which work they decide to do themselves as a weekend project. You are not sitting there letting the anxiety build up, wondering how much this repair is going to cost you. Besides the cost, this allows the customers to relax while the technicians are on site, knowing they are not being taken advantage of.
Fixed rate pricing is good for both the contractor, and the customer. Creating transparency and trust between the two parties is the key for a good working relationship that should last for many years. At DM Designs, we love being able to show our customers our every intention. It creates a sense of calmness, trust, and professionalism. If you are curious to learn more about our fixed rate pricing, or how to get an appointment with DM Designs, please go to our website and click the “Book An Appointment” button on the home screen.
(817) 372-4427