Dallas-Fort Worth LIC 6672, LIC 27412
Winterizing your sprinkler system can be a grueling chore that homeowners are not looking forward to. Some homeowners can do this task themselves. Some homeowners don’t have the time, maybe don’t know how to do it properly, or simply just don’t want to do it. And that’s okay, that is why DM Designs off customers a Winterizing and De-Winterizing package.
Let’s start with why homeowners should winterize their sprinkler system every year. First, during the winter the turfgrass goes dormant. Turgrass does this on its own to prevent damage from cold temperatures, droughts, and other extreme environments that it may be exposed to. Second, bushes, plants, and other landscape in the yard does not require the amount of water that is needed during the summer. Simply put, the landscape may obtain enough water from natural rain showers throughout the winter. Third, with winter comes cold temperatures. These cold temperatures could damage your irrigation system. Starting with the backflow device, most of these are made from a brass material and when frozen can burst after thawing out. Besides the backflow, pipes filled with water still have the chance of freezing, then bursting as well once thawed out. These repairs could be quite costly, some higher than a thousand dollars. With that risk, why would any homeowner not want to winterize their sprinkler system?
How does DM Designs make this easy for homeowners? DM Designs Irrigation and Landscape has created a Winterizing and De-Winterizing package. This includes a scheduled on site visit in the early weeks of November. This is when your irrigation system will be turned off until next year. After winter has passed and spring is rolling around, we will have another scheduled on site visit. This visit will get the sprinkler system running, and provide a free irrigation inspection. This inspection is critical. If anything has broken over the winter, the homeowner will now be aware and has the option to get it fixed before the watering season starts. Overall, this process allows proper shut off for the winter, prep for the summer, and details the system every year so the homeowner always knows how everything is functioning.
The common thread throughout is that winterizing may seem like a chore, and to be frank, it is. However, it is a crucial chore that is often overlooked, costing the homeowners hundreds of dollars in repairs every year to get the system up and functioning again.
(817) 372-4427